Trailblazers at Girls Global Academy
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

About Trailblazers
Trailblazers at Girls Global Academy are women who have blazed a successful path in the arts, business, education, communication, government, law, medicine, service or technology. These are exceptional women who have studied hard, worked hard, and have impacted the world for the better. Trailblazers have demonstrated how girls can make a difference in the world today.
At Girls Global Academy, we believe girls learn by example. Throughout their high school experience, our students will have front-row access to our Girls Global Academy Trailblazers who will provide perspective, motivation, and guidance on maximizing each student’s unique potential for achievement. Trailblazers provide leadership, education, and career advice. They also help students develop the skills necessary to succeed in a dynamic and increasingly global world.
The Girls Global Academy Trailblazer partnership will accelerate the development of our future leaders helping them create a unique path to live and learn.
The Girls Global Academy Trailblazer partnership will accelerate the development of our future leaders helping them create a unique path to live and learn.
Opportunities to be a Trailblazer
We want our students to have exposure to a wide variety of Trailblazers, so we have created opportunities of all sizes to accommodate whatever time you can contribute to the effort. Trailblazers do not have to be local to our school, we can create virtual connections and opportunities.
Opportunities include:
- “Red Carpet” Greeter - Welcome students to their first day and all other special events
- Event Volunteer- Dedicate time and complete logistic roles during a GGA hosted event
- Quarterly Event Series Participant - Active participation in a quarterly service initiative
- School or Class Speaker - Speak to a class of students on pre-identified or Trailblazer suggested topic
- Guest Lecturer - Use your specialty to deliver a talk to a school audience
- Judge - Provide feedback on student projects or portfolios
- After School Sponsor - Work with a group of girls during an Enrichment activity
- Tutor - Support students that need academic support
- Mentor - Provide support, wellbeing checks, and affirmation to one or two students
- And More! Suggestions welcome, please share your ideas.
Requirements to be a Trailblazer
Our students are our most important resource as a school. In providing them access to Trailblazers, we want the program to be mutually rewarding and beneficial. Trailblazer applicants should be interested in sharing personal experiences, time and talents with high school girls.Interested applicants will:
- Complete an application form
- Meet with a member of the Girls Global Academy team (face to face or virtual)