Karen Venable-Croft is the Co-Founder and Founding Executive Director of Girls Global Academy, an all-girls public charter high school in Washington DC. Karen is a Prince Georges’s County native and started her career as a mathematics teacher at her high school alma mater. During her 20-year career as an educator, Venable-Croft held different leadership roles including Math Teacher Coordinator, Advanced Placement Coordinator, Curriculum Coordinator, School Planning and Management Team Chair, and Data Coach. As teacher coordinator, Venable-Croft managed teams of 20 – 25 mathematics teachers and facilitated departmental, and interdisciplinary planning and development. She is an experienced instructional coach for teachers of all skill levels and years of experience.

Girls Global Academy Public Charter School
Because You Matter: The premier training ground for high school girls in the areas of global citizenship, Business and Engineering in Washington, DC.