Assessing where our student’s performance is an essential part of providing them with the rigorous education they deserve.

All students will take the PSAT, SAT, PARCC, and 3 IB Course Assessments. 

Based on the student’s individual needs, they will also participate in additional formal and informal assessments.

IB CourseAssessments (internal and external)Measure Competency in Standards and Higher Order Thinking Skills11-123 timesAnnually
IB Career Core AssessmentsMeasure Competency in Standards and Higher Order Thinking Skills11-12Ongoing Portfolios
Teacher designedOr Curriculum provided(interims)Measure Competency in standards and Higher Order Thinking Skills9-12As Needed
Formative Assessments (exit tickets, etc.)Measure Competency in Standards9-12 Daily
Advanced PlacementMeasure Competency in Rigorous National Standards11-12Annually
PSAT  ACT National Norm-Referenced Test11 -12Annually
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)Universal ScreenerNational Norm-Referenced Test9-103 Times Annually/Trimester
PARCCState Criterion-Based AssessmentELA 2 or GeometryAnnually
DC Science AssessmentState Criterion-Based Assessment9thAnnually
ACCESS and W-APTMeasure English Language Acquisition9-12Upon Enrollment and Annually Thereafter
Student Surveys(Panorama)Measure School Culture & Climate9-12 3x/Year