What is a story that you’d like to share related to your experiences and/or the legacy you hope to leave?
A quick story I’d like to share is a recent story. While over an Aunt’s house there was food, untouched food left over from the day. My aunt asked “who wants this, what should I do with this? “. My daughter replied ” wrap it up so we can give it to the homeless”. The legacy I hope to leave is service! Giving unselfishly to others. Serving with intention and planting seeds of substance into my daughter who will one day bloom beautifully and in turn, she will sow seeds of hope, positivity, service, and Kourage, with a “K”!
Who or what inspires you, and why?
I’m inspired by every day people who practice kindness, compassion, and direct action for justice in their daily lives. It’s this type of consistency that makes waves for positive social change.
What is a story that you’d like to share related to your experiences and/or the legacy you hope to leave?
Not a story, but this quote that guides my teaching and community work: “I have created nothing really beautiful, really lasting, but if I can inspire one of these youngsters to develop the talent I know they possess, then my monument will be in their work.” ~Augusta Savage
Who or what inspires you, and why?
I’m inspired by every day people who practice kindness, compassion, and direct action for justice in their daily lives. It’s this type of consistency that makes waves for positive social change.
What is a story that you’d like to share related to your experiences and/or the legacy you hope to leave?
My mother passed away during the most crucial time of my education, my final year of university and the year I was serving as President of a student association. It was tough but I pushed through, not only that but I had hope enough to be able to further my education in the USA. I then moved to the USA from South Africa few days after I turned 21 to do my MASTERS. I was the only African and the youngest yet I pushed through and still made it out on the top by securing multiple internships and leadership positions. In addition I am able to set on the executive team of an organization for children living with disabilities. I believe in impact despite one’s situation. I want to leave a legacy of creating a path for more YOUNG confident leaders in society that are fearless.
Who or what inspires you, and why?
My faith inspires me because God has consistently reminded me that I WILL be okay. Through the tough times my faith has allowed me to stay hopeful and strong.
What is a story that you’d like to share related to your experiences and/or the legacy you hope to leave?
How losing my mom during the pandemic changed the course of my life and that God restores and redirects, even in the midst of a storm.
Who or what inspires you, and why?
My sister inspires me because she has been a constant anchor. Her wisdom and kindness is so admirable, she has made tapping into those parts of myself easier. Her perspective is also very rooted in wider perspectives which is often soothing. Most importantly, God. The confidence in God’s promises about me having authority and power keeps me going when things don’t look the best.
What is a story that you’d like to share related to your experiences and/or the legacy you hope to leave?
Throughout my life journey I have chosen to be a person of value rather than a person of success. The legacy that I hope to leave is one that reminds others about the importance of connecting, collaborating, and cultivating relationships.
Who or what inspires you, and why?
I am inspired by those that serve as a voice for the voiceless. I believe that the skill of advocacy is one of the best skills you can have and it more often than not, will yield some type of result.